The Lord’s Prayer 01.28.2024

Chantha Chhim   -  

This past Sunday, January 28, 2024, we experienced an amazing Holy Spirit-inspired service, where the vibrancy of God’s Word and Spirit was palpable, touching hearts and stirring souls. Be sure to tune in to hear Stephanie Gustafson, Hannah Cadwell, and Meg White as they share their personal prayer journey and how God answered them. It was moving to say the least! The message itself, is centered on the simplicity and yet somehow profound depth of The Lord’s Prayer. After the message, there was a sweet moment during the invitation where God’s people partnered with other believers for prayer. After the service, several stayed and lingered in the sanctuary for a continued experience of what God was doing in our spirits. We felt it! It was fresh. It was good! He is Fresh. He is Good!

<<< Download the The Lord’s Prayer Message Notes >>>

The Lord’s Prayer is more than a ritual recitation, has been referred to by some as a template given by Jesus, teaching us to connect with God, align our desires with His, and live in utter dependence on His provision and grace. As recorded in Matthew 6:9-13, this prayer encompasses the essence of a life lived in communion with our Heavenly Father.

We began by recognizing our relational connection to God, addressing Him as “Our Father” and embracing our identity as His beloved children. As echoed in Romans 8:17, this acknowledgment invites us into a personal relationship with God, where we are not led by fear but by the Spirit of adoption that cries out, “Abba, Father.”

Worshiping His name is not just an act of reverence but an affirmation of God’s power and presence in our lives. By calling on His names – our Righteousness, Sanctifier, Healer, Banner of Victory, Shepherd, Peace, and Provider – we declare His sovereignty and trust in Him. Proverbs 18:10 reminds us of the safety found in His name, a strong tower for the righteous.

Prioritizing God’s agenda above our own, we seek His Kingdom and His will, acknowledging that His plans are perfect and beyond our understanding. This surrender to God’s will is both an act of faith and an alignment with the divine purpose for our lives and the world around us.

Dependence on God for our daily needs is a fundamental aspect of prayer. By asking for our “daily bread,” we acknowledge that every provision comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, as Psalm 121:1-2 reassures us.

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of our relationship with God and with others. As we receive God’s forgiveness, we are empowered to extend grace to those around us, fostering a community of forgiveness and healing, guided by the truth of 1 John 1:9-10.

Engaging in spiritual warfare, we recognize the reality of the spiritual battle around us and the victory we have in Christ. Ephesians 6:12 calls us to stand firm, not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil, equipped with God’s Word and Spirit.

Finally, we proclaim our faith in God’s ultimate power and authority: “Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” This declaration, rooted in Jeremiah 32:17, is a powerful affirmation of God’s omnipotence and our unwavering trust in Him.

In this message, we were challenged to view prayer not as a last resort but as our first response to life’s challenges and opportunities. Let us carry this message in our hearts, letting prayer shape our daily lives, drawing us ever closer to the heart of God.

If you didn’t get a chance to worship with us on Sunday, take a moment and experience the service on-demand by watching and worshipping with us.