Ephesus: Abandoned Love

Chantha Chhim   -  

The Book of Revelation brings Jesus’ heartfelt message to the Ephesian Church. They were praised for their persistent faith, intolerance for wickedness happening around them, and discernment in weeding out false apostles. However, the church was also chastised. Christ accused them of forsaking their first love, initial fervor, and passion for Him (Rev. 2:4). This admonition calls to our hearts, challenging us to maintain our fervent love for Christ, lest we too falter.

The church was urged to remember, repent, and return (Rev. 2:5). These three Rs encapsulate the journey of rediscovering our first love for God. To remember is to recall the height of our relationship with God, the overwhelming joy and peace in His presence. Repentance means turning away from actions and attitudes that have cooled our love. Finally, returning implies a steadfast commitment to rekindle our original affection for God.

The Church of Ephesus serves as a mirror to our spiritual lives. Like the Ephesians, we may excel in doctrine, discernment, and perseverance while letting the ardor of our love for Christ wane. The Ephesian’s struggle is emblematic of the believer’s journey: maintaining the vibrancy of first love amidst the trials and distractions of life.

We are the spiritual descendants of the Ephesian Church, striving to keep the flames of our love for Christ alive. As a pastor, I implore you to heed the lessons from Ephesus. Let’s remember the moments of our spiritual awakening, repent of any spiritual apathy, and return to our first love. In doing so, we embrace a vibrant, faith-filled relationship with Christ that transcends doctrine and bursts forth in love.

The message from the Church of Ephesus still resonates today, a poignant reminder of our call to an enduring, passionate love for Christ. It’s a call to balance our spiritual discernment with an ever-burning love for God, echoing the words of the apostle Paul, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13).

Download the Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation Study Guide